Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Brush cleaning!

Ladies! You need to clean your brushes! I know a lot of people do not do it, but it is a must to keep them in shape and sanitized. Just think about it, you would not use a wash cloth over and over again and never wash it right?? All the dirt, sweet, and well stuff on your face gets transferred to your brushes even if you are the cleanest person in the world you have to wash your makeup brushes. There are a lot of tutorials out there, using fancy soaps and different techniques; we find this one to be the easiest. All you need is regular baby shampoo, a small bowl with warm water, and then a clean towel or paper towel to place your brushes onto.  This method works for natural and synthetic brushes. 

First select all the brushes that you would like to clean, brushes can take up to 24 hours to dry, so if you wear makeup everyday make sure you do this before a non-makeup day or clean your brushes in cycles so you always have some to use. 

Then place some baby shampoo in a small bowl, and fill with warm water. You want this to be soapy.

You are then going to dip each brush in the water, you can swish it around a bit to make sure all bristles are saturated. Try to stay under the metal ring and concentrate on the bristles only.

Then you are going to use clean warm water to rinse the brushes. Some brushes might need a bit more work, in this case add a little baby shampoo to the palm of your hand, and work the brush in the soap creating bubbles. Then rinse!

Once all brushes are clean, we like to place them on the edge of the counter, this way all parts of the brush as exposed to air, and can dry evenly. 

It is really easy, but a bit time consuming, oh and if you are wimps like us your back might start to hurt. You will be surpassed and grossed out with how much product comes out of your brushes!
Good luck and go clean!!!

-Adriana and Cristina